Monday, August 9, 2010

Week 2 Lecture 3 Curvilinear Co-ordinates.

In the last lecture we learnt about the orthogonal curvilinear co-ordinate systems mainly the two dimensional Plane Polar and the three dimensional Spherical Polar and Cylindrical Polar Co-ordinate sytems. The important issue is that the SYMMETRY of the system decides the use of a specific co-ordinate system.

These systems are called orthogonal as the unit vectors always are mutually orthogonal and forms a Vector Triad ( that is a x b =c and cyclic permutations like i, j, k). They are called curvilinear because the constant co-ordinate surfaces intersect in curves. It is very important to understand that the unit vectors for the curvilinear co-ordinates systems are not constant vectors unlike (i, j, k)
and they have different directions dependent upon their locations.

Plane Polar Coordinates: This is used whenever there is planar circular symmetry in the system and given as (r, θ) where r is the radial distance from the origin and θ is the angle measured anticlockwise from the +ve direction of the x-axis.
The unit vectors are always in the direction of the increasing value of the corresponding coordinate. The best discussion of this coordinate system is in "Mechanics" by Klepner and Kolenkow which is used for PHY 102 N course.

Cylindrical Polar:  ( ρ,φ , z) where ρ is the radial distance of the point from the axis of a right circular cylinder about the z-axis, φ is the angle between the (x,z) plane and the plane containing the z axis and the point and z is the distance along the z-axis. The co-ordinate system may be easily understood as a stack of plane polar co-ordinates system ( ρ , φ ) along the z-axis. The unit vectors are in the direction of the increasing coordinates and are orthogonal vector triad but their directions are location dependent. The line element, area element and the volume element can be calculated from this and are discussed in Griffiths. Note that the area vector element depends on the location.

Spherical Polar: ( r, θ , φ ) where r is the radial distance from the origin or radius of a sphere centered on the origin and passing through the point in question. θ is the polar angle between the z-axis and the radial line passing through the point ( note that constant θ is a cone about the z-axis with the half angle θ ) and φ is the azimuthal angle between the plane containing the point and the (x, z) plane. The unit vectors are again direction dependent although they are an orthogonal vector triad. Note that this system may be thought of as two plane polar coordinate systems
(i) in (r, θ) with θ being measured from the z-axis on the plane containing the point and the z axis.
(ii) in (r sin θ, φ ) on the (x, y) plane. r sin θ is the projection of r on the (x, y) plane. Using this it is easy to obtain all the line area and volume elements.

You may also check the following links for quick references ( not all of it is relevant for us)
Polar Co-ordinates
Spherical and Cylindrical Co-ordinates


  1. sir
    i am not able to understand how to write direction for theta and phi hat when writing differential area vector or differential line element espcially in tough cases such as octant of sphere.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. sir, I wanted to see the proof that the integral of the Dirac delta function is 1 over the entire space ,if possible ...

  4. There is no proof of this. It can be justified through the "Theory of Distributions or Generalized Functions" which is an extremely advanced mathematical issue that is taught in Maths courses
    in functional analysis. Its outside the scope of the B.Tech degree unless you are doing an M.Sc in Maths.

  5. Its a little hard to explain in comments and you should see me after the lectures if its not clear over here. I hope that you have attended the DIPA session which is compulsory.

    Octant of a sphere has little to do with line elements or area elements. The line element is
    always the same. It is composed of the unit vector
    in that coordinate times the increase like r cap times dr, or theta cap times d theta etc. Area
    element depends on the location. Say area element on surface of sphere of radius R. First check which coordinate is constant direction of area vector will be in the plus or minus the direction of the unit vector in that coordinate which is constant over the area element. For the magnitude
    find out which two coordinates are changing over the area element then it is equal to product of the line elements along those direction. So for the surface of a sphere of fixed radius r is constant so it will be in the direction of r cap
    now if its a closed surface the outward direction is positive so it will be + r cap direction. For magnitude theta and phi are changing so it will r d theta times r sin theta d phi which are the line elements along those directions.

    Griffiths explains it nicely. If you are still in doubt please check with me after the lectures.
