Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lecture Schedule for PHY 103 N Part 2. ( Prof. H.C. Verma)

Lecture Plan of PHY103 2010-11 ( Part II)

Lect No    Date           Topic

1    15 Sept 10    Relativistic Transformation of E-B fields      

2    17 Sept 10    Motional  emf, Flux rule, Lenz law      

3    20 Sept 10    Flux rule in Generalized  case, Faraday's law,  

                            Calculation of induced Electric field.

4    22 Sept 10    Inductance, L-R circuit      

5    24 Sept 10    Magnetic  energy density, Poynting theorem      

6    27 Sept 10    Displacement current, B-field from time varying  E-field      

7    29 Sept 10    Maxwell's Equation in material medium, Boundary conditions      

8    1 Oct 10 (GS)    EM waves in free space, Integrating Optics with Electromagnetism      

9    4 Oct 10            Interference of EM Waves, Light, spatial and temporal coherence      

10    6 Oct 10            Fraunhofer Diffraction of Light at a single slit, N-slits      

11    18 Oct 10            EM waves in material medium, conducting and dielectric medium      

12    20 Oct 10            Reflection and refraction of EM waves      

13    25 Oct 10            Low intensity YDSE, Photoelectric effect, Compton Scattering      

14    27 Oct 10            Davisson Germer Expt,  YDSE with electrons, Heisenberg uncertain

15    29 Oct 10           Wave function,  Probability density, Relation with position and
                                momentum distributions, Delta function wave fn and plane waves      

16    1 Nov 10           Operators for observables,  Schrodinger Equation, Definite Energy states      

17    3 Nov 10           Deep Square well ,  Finite Square well, hetero junctions      

18    8 Nov 10           Barrier penetration, Nuclear Fusion and Coulomb Barrier      

19   10 Nov 10           Hydrogen atom wave functions      

20    12 Nov 10          Revision and Discussion      
1.    Electrodynamics by D J Griffiths
2.    Optics by P K Srivastava
3.    Quantum Physics by H C Verma


  1. Sir,
    I am giong behind the class scedule ie. I am left with topics Vector Potential and others following it. Also I have not practiced "Electric field in Matter".
    So sir can you please guide me what to do regarding this matter. And will I understand the upcoming lectures as I am planning to keep the upcoming lectures up to date.

    Thanking you

  2. The "electric Field in Matter" can be done later.
    But to be up todate with the lectures now you have to read through Magnetism from the lectures, blog and Griffiths. You can complete the ISA/DIPA problems later on but read through and try to understand. Starting from Friday you have almost 3
    days to cover this part. I think that it is more than enough time to cover it provided you dont waste the time in other activities.
